bobni / drums: BOJAN KRHLANKO

Eden najvidnejših predstavnikov slovenske tolkalske platforme, član legendarnih zasedb Laibach in The Stroj, s katerimi je koncertiral po celem svetu. Je član številnih slovenskih jazz zasedb: Litošt, Igor Bezget Trio, Samo Šalamon Slo Bassless Trio, Igor Matkovič Kvintet, BiK3 in mnogih druigih. Svoj kreativni pečat je pustil tudi na plošči Pocket Music - Rise of the Androids - v celoti narejene na pametnem telefonu. Edinstven pogled na ritem in njegov značilen način igranja ga uvrščata v vrh evropskih sodobnih bobnarjev.

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One of the most prolific drummers of the Slovenian music scene and a member of the legendary Laibach band and The Stroj, with whom he toured the whole world. He is a member of many Slovenian jazz ensembles, such as: Litošt, Igor Bezget Trio, Samo Šalamon Bassless Trio, Igor Matković Quintet, BiK3 and others. His creative mind was put into his album Pocket Music - Rise of the Androids, recorded entirely on a smartphone. His unique perspective on rhythm and a distinctive way of playing put him among Europe’s best drummers. 


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