Eden vodilnih slovenskih trobentačev, cenjen predvsem v vlogi bigband trobentača in studijskega glasbenika. Diplomiral je v avstrijskem Grazu in kmalu po študiju postal član Big Banda RTV Slovenija. Bil je tudi slovenski predstavnik v evropskem jazzovskem orkestru The European Movement Jazz Orchestra, sodeloval pa je tudi z velikani jazza, kot so Jim McNeely, Bob Brookmeyer, Randy Brecker, Bob Mintzer in drugi.
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One of the leading trumpet players in the Slovenian area and around, well known in his role of a Big band trumpeter and a studio musician. He graduated at the university in Graz and soon after became the permanent member of the radio-television Big Band in Slovenia. He was also the Slovenian member in the european jazz orchestra “The European Movement Jazz Orchestra” and collaborated with jazz greats, such as: Jim McNeely, Bob Brookmeyer, Randy Brecker, Bob Mintzer, etc.